Lon Hosford, President, said that the By Laws of the club call for an election of officers for the coming year. The floor was opened for nominations. No nominations were… Continue reading November 21, 2009, Presentation: The Effective Use of MS PowerPoint in Set Up of Presentations, Presenter: Scott Crabtree
Category: Year
Topics relating to the club meetings.
October 17, 2009 mtg., Annual Breakfast
A cheery group of about 30 members of the club arrived at the Clinton Country Griddle for the annual breakfast meeting. It was an unseasonably cold, rainy day, but it… Continue reading October 17, 2009 mtg., Annual Breakfast
July 2009 Meeting: Balloons, Bibles and Photo Story 3
By Alonzo (Lon) Hosford The Hunterdon Computer Club is one of a few computer clubs that holds meetings in the summer months as well as monthly all year long. The… Continue reading July 2009 Meeting: Balloons, Bibles and Photo Story 3
June 20, 2009 Mtg., Presentation: Computer Security, Christopher Waid
Lon Hosford, President of the club, opened the meeting with a brief description of the club for the new visitors who joined us this month. Also, a discussion ensued about… Continue reading June 20, 2009 Mtg., Presentation: Computer Security, Christopher Waid
May 16, 2009 mtg., Presentation: Downloading from the Internet
At the Computer Club meeting for May, Don Columbo suggested that the members think of a favorite “toy†they use related to the computer which could be a subject for… Continue reading May 16, 2009 mtg., Presentation: Downloading from the Internet