Many members came up to me after the February 2007 meeting to tell me Thomas Taibe and Taxes was one of the best topics yet. Thomas Taibe provided a framework… Continue reading Taxes and Thomas Taibe A Club Hit
Category: Bloggers
Grouping of member specific posts
It is the Apple of my IEye
Is it a sign of technology changing? Apple Computer Inc. has dropped the word computer from its name. The company known for making the personal computer popular and claiming the… Continue reading It is the Apple of my IEye
Upgrading To AVG Free 7.5 – Enough Disk Space?
The warning for my AVG free virus protected computers appeared again today only I noticed the difference is that the deadline was extended from January 15 to February 15 2007.… Continue reading Upgrading To AVG Free 7.5 – Enough Disk Space?
What is SMiShing?
At the HCC December 2006 meeting, Lon Hosford read the PC World January 2007 issue sidebar on page 46 on SMiShing. SMiShing is an attack like phishing. Using cell phones… Continue reading What is SMiShing?
Great holiday meeting photos
Super December 2006 photos from Barb Middleton and Carmella Vowinkel.