Lon Hosford, President of HCC, opened the June 16 meeting with a brief description of the purpose of the club. The club meets once a month and is open to… Continue reading June 16, 2007 – On-line Virtual Desktop
Category: Bloggers
Grouping of member specific posts
May 19, 2007, Mtg.-New Computer Tuning Tools
The HCC presentation for the May 19, 2007, meeting was given by Jac Carroll on New Computer Tuning Tools.. He discussed many ways to keep your computer in good operating… Continue reading May 19, 2007, Mtg.-New Computer Tuning Tools
April 21, 2007 Mtg. and Dr. Barad Presentation
At the April 21, 2007, Computer Club meeting Dr. Gerald Barad gave a presentation on Macro Photography. It covered some of his work on the pollination of Stapeliad succulent plants.… Continue reading April 21, 2007 Mtg. and Dr. Barad Presentation
Video Downloader Firefox Extension
Want to download videos at YouTube and other video sites? You might want to try the Video Downloader FireFox extension. Get it at Video Downloader Website Get it at FireFox… Continue reading Video Downloader Firefox Extension
March 24, 2007 MTG. AND BLOG INFO
Lon Hosford, President of the club, opened the March meeting by welcoming everyone and introducing the two visitors attending the meeting, Jan Kriterling and Claire, who was previously a club… Continue reading March 24, 2007 MTG. AND BLOG INFO