In the Question & Answer portion of the meeting, a member asked how to recycle an old computer. It was stated that Clinton has a garbage transfer station that will… Continue reading Q&A from February 17th meeting
Carmella’s Notes from February 2007 Meeting
The February computer club meeting began with socializing between the members as they enjoyed coffee, bagels and cream cheese. New additions to the before-meeting refreshments were a fruit platter and… Continue reading Carmella’s Notes from February 2007 Meeting
March 2007 Meeting Date 4th Saturday 3/24/07
This is another message to remind folks that March 2007 meeting is the 4th Saturday. That then is March 24, 2007
Taxes and Thomas Taibe A Club Hit
Many members came up to me after the February 2007 meeting to tell me Thomas Taibe and Taxes was one of the best topics yet. Thomas Taibe provided a framework… Continue reading Taxes and Thomas Taibe A Club Hit
Editing a published post
If you authored a post you can edit it. As well members with a higher level of authorization could edit or even delete the post. To edit a post you… Continue reading Editing a published post