Tech Talk Topics 12/11/25

AI Generated Picture of Drones in Night Sky
AI Generated Picture of Drones in Night Sky

These are the topics and the links to content for the 12/11/25 Tech Zoom Meeting hosted and moderated by Lon Hosford.

NJ Drones

Humanoid Robots

Video: Warehouse Robot Collapsing after 20 hours of work. Funny or sad?

AI – ChatGPT

ChatGPT new model designated o1 caught lying and deceiving in security testing.

Tech Stock Prices

Bill Gates caught shorted on Tesla stock that reached Elon’s prediction of 400/share.

Microsoft Support and Windows

Digital Dynamic Pricing on Retail Shelves

Video: Digital Pricing in American Grocery Stores. Imagine prices on shelf changing before your eyes.

Regrowing Teeth

Hashem Al-Ghaili FB post about regrowing teeth
Hashem Al-Ghaili FB post about regrowing teeth

Hashem Al-Ghaili Facebook Post

By Lon Hosford

Internet and Mobile Development Educator and Consultant Independent software developer with practical engineering project experience for clients such as AT&T, Avis, Bristol Myers Squibb, Ortho BioTech, Chanel, Avaya, Green Birdie Video, Aztec Learning Systems and Verizon Wireless. Lon is well known for translating client needs into useful applications. An interesting aspect of Lon's consulting work was the creation of industry jobs that did not exist before. That lead to hiring and training college students who were taught dead technologies at a time academia was woefully behind on the paradigm shifts in personal computing, the internet and today the distributed device environment often called mobile. Lon has taught thousands of students internet web development, animation and programming topics over two decades both privately and academically. He developed Multimedia Associated Degree program and courses for Raritan Valley Community College in the 1990s at a time when Macromedia Authorware and Director were tools. He is the founder, developer and educator for Raritan Valley Community College Web Developer Certification program also having its roots in the 1990s at the dawn of the internet. He also was a key curriculum developer and instructor for one of the Nation's first Web Developer Certification program offered through New Jersey Institute of Technology. Lon was also a technology instructor at the University of Phoenix Online. Lon over the years has produced educational video for topics including Paradox, Cobol, Java, Jasmine, C, C++, Linux, Flash, Cocos 2d and HTML. These courses were distributed and taught in Universities internationally when global was an emerging term.