21st Century Revolution in Electric Cars and Manufacturing

By Lon Hosford


These are my notes from the meeting featuring Jim Weichel and the future of electric vehicles and the manufacturing of vehicles.

This presentation was the second of our 2022 two part series on Electric Vehicles. The first was Everything You Need to Know about EVs.

Jim’s Electric Vehicle Buying Criteria

One takeaway from this presentation was Jim’s Criteria For EV Selection. You find these in slide 5 on his presentation slides included later in this article. He had 7 key items in his list.

The driving range on a charge was one criteria. At this time he was recommending a range over 250 miles. An important exception is if you thought your usage would be mainly urban. In that case you could bump the range down a notch to 150 or higher miles.

2022 Electric Vehicle Shopping Guide

Jim provided us with a shopping catalog of many models on the market. He included manufacturers such as Volvo, BMW, Kia, Ford, Audi, Chevrolet, Volkswagen and his fav Tesla. He even included electric pickup trucks in his electric vehicle shopping guide.

Revolution in Car Manufacturing Innovation

One part of his presentation that stood out for me. This was the pioneering Tesla was making in the manufacture of vehicles. For example the ability to integrate improvements, suggestions and ideas quickly. Tesla provides stations in the production line to work on the idea. Once perfected work the station with improvements back into the production line in real time.

Tesla is several years in the lead on manufacturing innovation. Unfortunately most of the rest of the vehicle manufacturing industry has a lot of catching up to do. Some companies have stated dates that they want to catch Tesla’s manufacturing innovations. Jim hinted that by their stated dates, Tesla manufacturing innovation may well be beyond them still.

Electric Vehicle Design Feature Comparisons

There is much detail in the presentation slide for anyone wanting to learn about the distinction between different vehicle design. You will find many details. You might consider battery sizes, efficiency ratings and number of components per vehicle. Jim pointed out that software is going to provide regular updates to existing vehicles. This means that you get new features without any component changes and Tesla is already doing that.

Meeting Presentation Deck

Jim Weichel’s Presentation Deck

Video Of Jim Weichel’s Presentation

Categorized as General

By Lon Hosford

Internet and Mobile Development Educator and Consultant Independent software developer with practical engineering project experience for clients such as AT&T, Avis, Bristol Myers Squibb, Ortho BioTech, Chanel, Avaya, Green Birdie Video, Aztec Learning Systems and Verizon Wireless. Lon is well known for translating client needs into useful applications. An interesting aspect of Lon's consulting work was the creation of industry jobs that did not exist before. That lead to hiring and training college students who were taught dead technologies at a time academia was woefully behind on the paradigm shifts in personal computing, the internet and today the distributed device environment often called mobile. Lon has taught thousands of students internet web development, animation and programming topics over two decades both privately and academically. He developed Multimedia Associated Degree program and courses for Raritan Valley Community College in the 1990s at a time when Macromedia Authorware and Director were tools. He is the founder, developer and educator for Raritan Valley Community College Web Developer Certification program also having its roots in the 1990s at the dawn of the internet. He also was a key curriculum developer and instructor for one of the Nation's first Web Developer Certification program offered through New Jersey Institute of Technology. Lon was also a technology instructor at the University of Phoenix Online. Lon over the years has produced educational video for topics including Paradox, Cobol, Java, Jasmine, C, C++, Linux, Flash, Cocos 2d and HTML. These courses were distributed and taught in Universities internationally when global was an emerging term.